Thursday, October 20, 2011

Looks like I'm getting a new way to roll after all.....

Funny that only yesterday I felt the need to tell you about my rental car, the trusty KIA Soul.

This morning I received a phone call from Joe at Enterprise.

He started the conversation like a concerned salesmen:

"Hi, this is Joe from Enterprise, I just wanted to check how your experience with the rental car is going."

"Hi Joe, it's going fine..." I find myself groggily replying - it was quite early after all to be answering marketing type phone calls.

"So...." Joe continues. "Our marketing department sold the car you are currently driving."


"So if you could just bring that over today we don't want to cause you any trouble and we'll just change it out for you."

I try not to laugh. "Ok. But I'm in _________ county right now about six hours away....I'm back next week. Does that work?"

Many of my road friends have been sharing with me horror stories about rental cars with flat tires, over sized vans and pick-up trucks that are hard to park and even harder to maneuver. This is my first rental car glitch. Joe was pleasant and we worked it out in the end...despite the neon sign going off in my head saying "they SOLD my KIA???!?!"

So gone are the days of driving the Soul on the Highway, laughing when the song from the hamster commercial comes on the radio.

Looks like another car will be keeping me safe on the road in November!

Safe Travels,


  1. Joe will just have to give you another machine that you like! ;)

  2. So, what are you driving now?? And I hope they didn't make you go all the way back there to return it!!
