Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like the holidays...

Happy December to all my fellow counselors, travel friends, and many readers of this blog!

I apologize for not posting in the past few weeks. I hope that your fall travel season is winding down now, as we all retreat into our offices to read applications in the post-thanksgiving chaos.

I love being back in the swing of things, easing myself into a routine again; the only time I pull out the GPS is to find places around my hometown. But I DID find myself having a thought last week (and dare I admit it) while I was standing in the cold and light snow one morning on the way to work:

"I wish I was in Jersey."

"What?!" my sub-conscious responded. "Are you nuts?"

But it is true, I can't deny it. Why, you ask? Because in Jersey, they pump your gas for you.

I wouldn't be standing in the cold, hands numb inside my gloves...I would be in my car listening to holiday music.

I found this phenomenon in Jersey scary at first. I would always fill up my tank across the border in New York before traveling long distances in Jersey because there were so many things about this process I didn't understand. Did you tip the attendant? Do you hand them your credit card? Do you have to be social? Am I that incompetent that I can't fill my own gas tank?

Until I was following my friend (who lives in Jersey) home one night and he needed to stop for gas, so it would be strange if I didn't do so as well. I felt one thing. Terror. My friend eased into one spot, while an available attendant waved me over to another. I tried to park close to the fill up station but was afraid of hitting the attendant, so I ended up way off.

"I can work with that..." He said, sounding wary.

And in that moment I did the two things I always tend to do when nervous (or excited, or in a new place) to much and be honest.

"I'm sorry!!!! I'm so so sorry!!! I have never gotten my gas tank filled in Jersey before!"

He grinned. "Well ma'am, this is gonna be a nice treat then"

His friendly demeanor set me at ease. And I sat in my car listening to music, staying warm.

THAT is what I wished for last Wednesday at the gas station near my home.

So, I guess New Jersey is growing on me. :)

Safe Travels and Stay Warm,